How to Dress for a Successful Job Interview

First impression matters!

Congratulations, you got an interview opportunity for that dream job! However, do you know what you must wear to the job interview?

First impressions matter! It is the most relied on intuition about a newly met person - in just 17 seconds! Therefore how you look the instance you meet with the recruiter is as important as your job interviewing skills. 

What you'll get from the course

This course will empower your professional image that’s in line with:

  1. the company’s dress code, 
  2. the unspoken rules of what to wear & not to wear to an interview,
  3. including both face-to-face and online meetings.
  4. enriched with 100+ outfit examples, empowering your confidence on how to combine your look

EXTRA: For future reference & inspiration: You can download & save all looks and outfits.

learn what to wear, what not to wear to an interview
Face-to-face Interview Outfits

Many tactics and outfit examples on: what to wear, not to wear & 3 types of dress codes

Zoom Interview Outfits
Online Interview Outfits

What type of outfits make you look more camera friendly on online interviews.

interview preparation
Get Ready for the Day

'The Day Before' Guide

A guide to get yourself ready for the Interview.


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Dressing for FACE-TO-FACE Interviews
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Dressing for ONLINE Interviews
Available in days
days after you enroll
  'The Day Before' - Interview PREPARATION Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Thank you & good luck!
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days after you enroll

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